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Writer's pictureRandy McLendon


Dear friends, Below is information that you really need to read. I get an investment newsletter from a tech investor/guru named Jeff Brown. He is up to speed on just about any and everything high tech. He just sent an e-mail out with the following information. If anyone doubts there is an evil hand behind all the "mess" that keeps popping up(the latest being monkeypox, according to Biden) that keeps popping up, this should open their eyes. This should be sent to every politician and so-called "news" organization. If news organizations were doing their job, this would be on the front page of every newspaper and the top story on every channel and not just in an e-mail from an investment advisor. Share this far and wide. Please pray. And God help us!! Blessings, Randy

Dear Reader, They’re at it again… This time it’s a zoonotic disease known as monkeypox. As the name implies, monkeypox is a virus that was originally discovered in monkeys. That was back in 1958. This isn’t something new, it’s not a pandemic, and yet we are being told from the highest levels that this is something “that everybody should be concerned about.” Days after the fear and panic drums started beating, it doesn’t make any sense. This is a virus endemic to Africa that has been around for decades and does not mutate rapidly. For it to spread from a monkey to a human, it usually requires an animal bite or scratch or the handling of infected meat. And in order for it to spread from one human to another, it requires close human contact, usually in the form of the exchange of body fluids. In other words, this is nothing at all like COVID-19 and can be easily contained. Yet within the last 24 hours, both the U.K. and Belgium announced three-week quarantines for anyone coming into contact with monkeypox. Let’s hope the overreaction doesn’t get worse… but I’m not so sure. If things weren’t strange enough, I came across a paper written by the Nuclear Threat Institute, written in November of last year, summarizing an exercise that was conducted in March 2021 on a “theoretical” biological event. I have to warn you, it’s pretty eerie, but here it is: A Theoretical Biological Event Source: NTI

The exercise that was held back in March of last year outlined with striking accuracy a genetically engineered version of monkeypox detected on May 15, 2022. The exercise predicts that by January of 2023, 83 countries will be affected with 70 million cases and 1.3 million deaths. Let’s hope that this really was just an exercise…

] There is a “vaccine,” that according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “may help prevent the disease or help make it less severe.” The “vaccine” is Jynneos, which is manufactured by Denmark-based pharmaceutical company Bavarian Nordic… a company whose shares in Copenhagen are up 92% since the “outbreak.” Worth noting is that Jynneos was developed with “significant support” from a handful of U.S. government agencies like the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The drug was approved in September of 2019. The World Health Organization has also been quick to inject more fear, warning that cases will likely accelerate due to the “mass gatherings, festivals and parties” that will happen over the summer. Perhaps not surprisingly, the Nuclear Threat Institute is in part funded by both the World Health Organization and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Honestly, who needs conspiracy theories when it’s all out in the open. After the embarrassment of public health officials and governments around the world for the last two years, it's apparent that they just don’t want to stop. There are too many monetary and power-based incentives driving the desire to perpetuate pandemic panic for as long as possible. The corrupt relationship between public health officials and the biopharmaceutical complex is too deeply woven into the public health system. As a simple example, the NIH and its scientists received more than $350 million of royalty payments paid by the biopharmaceutical industry between 2010 and 2020. I wish this were all just fiction. It actually reads a lot like a Michael Crichton novel.  So let’s keep it that way. Let’s head the evildoers off at the pass. We can call them on their nonsense and leave the panic mongering in the past. And while we’re at it, let’s have a great summer as well. I think we’ve all suffered enough, it's time to monkey around. Jeff Brown, Brownstone Research

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